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How to Measure your room for a Sectional!

How to Measure your room for a Sectional!

Posted by JW on 15th Feb 2023

How to Measure for a Sectional Sofa


A sectional can be a great addition to any living room, providing a comfortable and stylish seating

option for family and guests alike. But before you can purchase a sectional, you need to know

what size will fit in your room. Here are the steps to measure a room for a sectional:

Diagram showing how to measure a sectional


Measuring a Sectional

Determine the placement: 

Before you start measuring, decide where in the room you want the sectional to go. This will help

you get a more accurate measurement and ensure that you have enough space for other furniture

and traffic flow.

Measure the length of the wall:

Once you've chosen the placement for your sectional, measure the length of the wall where you

plan to put it. Use a tape measure to get an accurate measurement from one end of the wall to

the other.

Measure the depth of the space: 

Next, measure the depth of the space where you want to place the sectional. Measure from the

back wall to the front of any existing furniture or walls to ensure you have enough space for the

sectional to fit.

Measure the width of the space: 

Measure the width of the space where you want to place the sectional. This will help you

determine how wide of a sectional you can fit in the space.

Sectional Dimensions

Diagram showing overhead shot to measure a sectional

Consider other furniture:

Remember to take into account any other furniture in the room, such as end tables, coffee tables,

or chairs. Make sure there is enough space for the sectional and any other furniture to fit


Consider traffic flow: 

Think about how people will move around the room and make sure there is enough space for

them to walk around the sectional without feeling cramped.

Take note of any obstacles:

Finally, take note of any obstacles that may get in the way of placing the sectional, such as doors,

windows, or radiators.

By following these steps, you should be able to measure your room accurately and determine the

right size sectional to fit your space. Remember to take into account not only the size of the

sectional itself, but also other furniture and traffic flow to ensure a comfortable and functional

living space.


Image of a Bradington Young Sectional Sofa


How to Measure for a Curved Sectional Sofa

What if my sectional floats in the room and is not against a wall?

If your sectional is not against a wall and floats in the room, you will need to measure the space


 Image showing how to measure a sectional from an overhead view

Here are the steps to measure a room for a sectional that floats in the room:

Determine the placement: Decide where in the room you want the sectional to go, keeping in

mind traffic flow and other furniture. 

Measure the length and width of the space: Use a tape measure to measure the length and

width of the space where you want to place the sectional. Be sure to include any open areas

around the sectional that you want to keep clear.

Mark the space: Stand directly behind the sectional where the 90 degree or corner would be,

with a wedge curved corner, imagine it square for measuring purposes. See photo above.

Use can use painter's tape or a similar marking tool to mark out the space where the sectional will

go. This will give you a better visual representation of the size of the sectional in the space. 

Consider the scale of the room: 

Think about the overall scale of the room and the size of the other furniture pieces in the space.

You want the sectional to fit in with the other pieces and not overwhelm the room.

Consider the style of the sectional: 

Consider the style of the sectional and how it will fit in with the overall aesthetic of the room. A

large sectional may look out of place in a small, minimalist room, while a small sectional may get

lost in a large, eclectic space.


You may want to move your sectional around if room permits, if so, consider multiple options

to accommodate this. Keep in mind, generally the more pieces it takes to make a sectional the 

more expensive it is. So for budgeting, build it with the fewest pieces to complete the shape



By following these steps, you should be able to measure your room accurately and determine the

right size sectional to fit in a floating position in the room. Remember to take into account the

overall scale and style of the room, as well as any other furniture and traffic flow to ensure a

comfortable and functional living space.