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Posted by JW on 14th Feb 2023



An important option when considering a new Leather Sofa or Sectional is what seat cushion

should I consider?

Many of us have had furniture before and this tended to be the first noticeable wear area for

support and look that may have been a driving factor when it comes time to replace

our old set.

Better brands of Leather furniture will allow you to choose that perfect cushion when you place

that order. Here are some things to consider to make the best choice.

First, your age may be a factor in what you are looking for, older or maybe bigger or heavier

people generally prefer something that is not too soft and easier to get in and out of.   

If you are smaller person, you may prefer something that is more relaxed or softer to sit in. Many

have issues with back or lumbar and do not want to necessarily give up comfort for just support.


Younger furniture shoppers tend to like a more plush, sink in feeling. Generally with leather

furniture, especially if you purchased a better brand and plan on keeping it for many years you

should have available to you many good choices. Below are some of the better options to choose

from and some are considered of very high quality, but it just more depends on your needs as we

discussed above.                                           


Poly-Foam cushions are generally a entry level cushion used by most manufacturers in fabric of

more promotional  leather brands. This consists of a poly-urethane foam core and 1.8lb density.

These will have usually a layer of polyester glued on top to create some softness.

A better option is 2.0lb up to a 2.5lb density with high resiliency.  Keep in mind the higher the

number, the more rigid the foam is and can make some sofas feel very bricky. So there is a trade

off for support vs comfort.  A more expensive option would be a Qualux® foam, which will provide

a foam that meets demands for consistency, longevity, comfort and support. Properties

include high-resiliency with a soft surface, yet firms up quickly when compressed,

providing proper body support in all seating applications.


A newer cushion on the scene as of late, but not offered by many manufacturers is a 

Memory Foam. This cushion will usually have a foam core for substance and sandwiched with a

memory foam and wrapped with a Dacron fiber to create a Semi Soft feel, and offers a hypo-

allergenic option if you may be allergic to down/feather options.     


Poly-Foam/Feather Down- this cushion generally offers a more sink in to feeling. It has a casual

appearance due to the foam core and down feathers on top. Think of a more puddled , relaxed

look for your seat cushions.

When paired with a  higher density 2lb foam, this will give you more support and still balances

softness. Look  for a fiber mix to give more lift and crown to the cushion.


Poly-Foam/Spring Down- This cushion is generally considered the better option for comfort,

softness, and wear-ability. The insides should have 30-40 small coil springs, inside cotton sacks

and sandwiched in between the foam and surrounded with a high resiliency foam and a layer

of feather down 90/10 ratio and fiber mixed. 


Look for seat cushions that can be removed from the sofa and if the backs come off that is a plus.

Seat cushions should be sewn in a muslin ticking to protect the core and minimize break down.

Back pillows inside should have a ticking also .The cushions with zippers on the back side will for

allowing service down the road as the sofa or chair gets older. Less expensive leather

furniture will not have this option, many times to keep the cost down on the product and to a

lesser extent if reclining furniture. Backs may be attached just to restrict movement and allow fo

r a cleaner look in this particular application.

Better made furniture will have seating options so take advantage of that, if you need more help

on deciding what  is right for you please contact Leather Shoppes to assist.